Saturday 12 October 2013

Drink up!

If you are on a hair journey you must have by now heard or read that drinking plenty of water is good for your hair. It is said that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (I am going by a 250ml glass for this post) but this is also subject to your level of activity (you drink more fluids exercising than laying on the couch watching TV), body size and other environmental factors among others; one tends to be thirstier in the hotter summer months than in the colder winter months.

Here are my tips for people who either do not drink water and want to start which you should or are struggling with drinking enough water;
  • Start with drinking water with every meal, a glass at breakfast, a glass at lunch and another glass at dinner and work your way to more glasses from there. I always drink water with all my meals irrespective of whether there is another drink at the table or not.
  • Get a one litre water bottle fill it up in the morning and try and finish half the bottle by 3pm. Finish the other half before bedtime.
  • Infuse your water with slices of fruits like apples, oranges, lemons, pears, or any other fruit of your liking to make it taste better.
  • Always have a bottle of water in your bag, car etc that way you have no excuse not to drink up. I always have a bottle of water with me that is the one thing you are guaranteed to always find in my bag. 
Plain water and water infused with orange slices
The good news however is that the recommended water intake is not limited to just water but all liquids, we need to replace lost liquid from the body, prevent dehydration and flush out toxins among other functions of liquid in the body. In essence all fluids drunk during the day count towards this total you must however use common sense in what fluids to drink. Two litres of soda or alcohol a day for example will do more harm than good for you while two litres combined of natural fruit juices, smoothies, milk, soups, coffee, wine and water is more beneficial for you and your health in the long run.

I have always been a huge water drinker regardless of the weather, my personal water drinking regimen on a good day goes something like this  half a litre in the morning, half a litre in the afternoon and another half litre usually more between early evening, bedtime and morning. I sometimes wake up at night to drink water so I always have a bottle of water handy by my bedside. It’s more like a sip or two in the middle of the night though not an entire glass. I know the amount I drink because I always have my water in a 500ml bottle which is half a litre.  I can leave home at let’s say 8 in the morning and by midday that water will be gone and I will have to refill it this refilled bottle will be gone by the time I am getting home let’s say around 6 in the evening and once again it will be refilled and I will have drank half of it by dinner time and drink the other half with my evening meal, refill the bottle and keep by my bedside. So in total without counting the bedtime water I will have consumed 1.5 litres of water in a day. I try to drink a minimum of one litre of plain water a day that way if I end up with other liquids like tea, coffee, wine or soda on that day I still have one litre of good clean water in my system. Drinking water alone is not enough to maintain a healthy head of hair and beautiful skin this must be coupled up with a good diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of exercise.

Go here for more information on water and drinks in relation to health.


  1. you're water intake is very exemplary.
    lucky you that you can drink that much water easily.

    normaly I drink 1cup of coffee at morning, 1.5 l water during the day and at evening I drink 1l of tea during the fall/winter.
    Drinking my cup of coffee and my pitcher of tea are easy peasy but the water not so. I still need to remember myself several times during the day to finish up my 1.5l bottle.

    1. Thanks Bebe I think I just love water my thirst can only be quenched with water nothing else. You are also doing well with your fluids intake you can put a reminder with an alert on your phone to drink water every few hours during the day that way you don't forget:)

  2. Very nice post:) i drink my water in form of herbal teas :) it is great not only for hair but also for the rest of my body. especially my lips. Normaly when i have not drunk enough my lips will begin to crack.

    1. Danke! I had forgotten about herbal teas and I drink green tea for weight loss imagine that lol thanks for that input:)

  3. This is such a great post. I have been struggling to increase my water intake for the last 3 weeks. It seems simple enough, but it's hard work. Drinking herbal teas definitely help. I'm hoping that at some point drinking water a lot becomes second nature to me. Now, I'm just never thirsty.

    1. Thanks Kim! Take it one day at a time and drinking water will be second nature in no time but at least you are doing the herbal teas which count towards your daily intake of fluids so that's good.

  4. Many many years ago I started drinking water in place of anything else with meals plus have a bottle of water with me whereever I go in an attemp to up my water intake. Good that you can keep up I am still struggling big time.

    1. Keep drinking you will keep up in no time you seem to be on the right track!

  5. Wow your water intake is amazing! I used to be terrible with water drinking and only started taking it serious when my doctor told me I really needed to, it is easier in the summer, now that winter is here I find that my 1 litre bottle doesn't have much movement, might have to replace this with drinking warm drinks. I will definitely try working my water around meals, then doing the 'I have 1 hour before the day ends' regimen!

    Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Thanks Yvonne! It is definitely easier to drink more in the summer than winter I can add soups to your warm drinks that will also count towards your daily liquid intake.


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